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Friday, November 2, 2007

The richest man on earth is no longer Carlos Sim

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Carlos Sim is no longer the richest man on earth. He was topped by someone from India called Mukesh Ambani. He kicked Bill Gates off the top richest position not long ago.

This shows how important are the growing market. He was from Mexico and the current one is from India. I would not be surprised that the next one would come from one of the developing countries. However, if you see properly. Noone could get as rich or richer then Bill Gates at his age. And most of the richest people are mostly inherited assets. If you say who is the best richest man on earth, it would still be Bill Gates. Just compare the amount of money he donates as compared to other people who toppled him down the charts. They were obviously gaining their wealth to topple Bill Gates. With Bill Gates donating that much money, he is the nicest guys here on earth.

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